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story from a new sister calls brooke11111

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    مشرفة في قسم ربيع العمر وواحة تربية الأطفال

  • نخبة المشرفات
  • 9847 مشاركة

from brooke 11111 to me

please read it ,and say your opionun

wool sweater and coat, with a Pashmina, hat and gloves, I saw a man with his bike a the bus stop in SANDALS. He wasn’t overly well dressed for cold weather, in jeans, t-shirt and open jacket. Now, having lived in Oregon for the past decade I have come to be aware of what “true Oregonians” consider winter attire. This primarily consists of the inbred belief that flip-flops are a necessity year round, and sweaters and umbrellas are for tourists.Based on the population of Oregon, I’m probably in the minority. Although I have come to accept that these people are just immune to cold in a way I am not, I do still think they are crazy. I’m guessing that the good folks at UGG Australia caught wind of these people because look at what they have to offer: sandals with fleece!

pandora charms


قال الشافعى
طلبنا ترك الذنوب فوجدناه فى صلاه الضحى
طلبنا ضياء القبور فوجدناه فى قراءه القران
وطلبنا عبور الصراط فوجدناه فى الصوم والصدقه
وطلبنا ظل الرحمن فوجدناه فى اخوة صالحين


(يامن حفظت موسى في اليم وهو رضيع.. احفظ أولادنا وبناتنا من الغرق في فتن الحياة وملذاتها .. وارزقنا يا الله أولادا صالحين بارين.. أمين..))


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